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Night Night

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EngTeach | 03:06 Mon 03rd Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Though it is only 9 o'clock here, I am signing off for tonight. I have to get some rest. Been on here waaaay toooo much today.

Thanks for all the feed back for my question. I'll keep you updated.

Have a good sleep.


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G'night eng te and god bless you my little sweatheart
Night ET - I'm sorry. My computer keeps playing up, so I'm slow to swap threads. Have a good one, and hope it all goes well for you - x
e t

gone home

or you can phone home

watch out for the fridge door
u drunken little

oh shut up

reach out reach out for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee b
nite et
9 30 huh
its 2 12 am here xxx
Nitey,nite ET...take care xx
Gosh - it IS - well, more than that now, and I have to be up at 5 a.m.! Groan.......
Monty you are so mad it even makes me feel that I am sane

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Night Night

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