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Traffic Thoughts!!!

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Zammo | 18:27 Mon 03rd Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I think a lot more when I'm stuck in traffic, do a lot of people watching too. What do u think about while ur stuck in traffic?


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I just panic, I hate getting stuck in traffic.
i absolutely hate being stuck in any form of vehicle in traffic.
I think about getting home and I too get stressed!!!

Last Saturday, went shopping and the traffic getting home.
I was cursing myself for coming out so late!!!
lol weeal, could just see you with scary Mary glazed eyes ( virgin ad? )
I turn up my cd and sing loudly, I also people watch
I check out the fellas.... lol and then start creating new dishes for dinner (from the ingredients in my fridge) or I listen to the bonkers radio and giggle along with the nonsense from Mr T Wogan (morning rush hour) or Mr C. Evans (evening).
Well, having not long moved up here, I keep thinking I am going to have to get around to finding some short cuts to avoid the jams. Tho I am fortunate in that I dont have to tackle either rush hours.
snap! i check out the lovely lady drivers as do most males whilst stuck in traffic! if ya watch carefully you can catch us guys doing it!
When is this line of cars going to move for goodness sake!
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