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badboy78 | 16:23 Thu 06th Mar 2008 | Site Suggestions
8 Answers
can everyone have their own little profiles so we know whta their into/look like. justa a thought.


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we had it when they had bete but it broke
We did have this facility on Beta AB.
(shhhh, but please please please go on to Chatterbank and post "What do you all look like?". It would make my day!)
some of us have resorted to joining the facebook AB so we have profiles
lol @ whiffey
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but it cant be that hard im going to say the dreaded words 'answerbag' (dont all recoil in horror) have it so why cant we surely were better than them!!!!!!!!!!!
in an ideal world, the beta would work, the blog would be updated regularly and the trolls would be fed to the starving dogs

If they get the beta running again it gives us an option of having a pic, my pic is of bruce willis :D
cazzz1975, I heard it was your pic that broke beta in the first place.

:-P lol

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