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AOL Again ...

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smurfchops | 10:28 Fri 07th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Is anyone else having Major problems logging in and staying online at the moment ?? Last night (Thursday) was just a waste of time.


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unable to get online in liverpool or manchester. service is getting worse
smurfchops what city are you in, it may be just a regional problem
Yep, was unable to get on last night as well, thought it was just me!
had the same problem in liverpool and manchester about 2 weeks ago
Mr Boo wont be impressed when I tell him about this post, he unscrewed the socket from the wall last night and fettled for ages with the wires to try and fix it- rofl!
2 weeks ago i had everything disconnected
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I am in Surrey. This has happened so often, and I have pulled plugs out etc. etc. so, when I can't get connected, and I get a window asking me to check my connections etc. I know its not my end as I had been online not long before with no probs, I just leave it for a while. In the end last night, I rang their so called Helpline and the voice said 'We are experiencing problems .. etc etc etc ....... 'Then I knew it wasn;t just me. Didn't get that message this morning so I opened up and it was OK tho it kept crashing, specially when I tried to go online at eBay with my screen name. Now tonight the message is there on AOL Helpline again !! All the technology they should have and they couldn't organise a **** up in a brewery.
I'm not on AOL but I know loads of people who are and they all have problems regularly with it.
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Just to say I have now posted another thread to tell everyone on AOL .... log into Mozilla Firefox .... it seems to do the trick.
i was having so many problems with AOL i changed to vodafone. thats what i think of AOL

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AOL Again ...

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