On my 1st, I had the usual niggles, but this time I have a lot of aches and pains at the end of the day underneath!
When I get out of bed in middle of night or morning I have to walk like John Wayne to feel comfortable! It gets qute bad sometimes and I know it's silly, but it feels like my hips are loose!
Is this normal??? Been going on for about 2 weeks but is worse in the night!
I spoke to midwife last week but she didn't seemed worried!
for me its normal, that doesnt really help though does it.
It might be the start of pelvic girdle pain which can get very painful and nasty, or it may just be that your ligaments are stretching and everything is usually softer the second time around .
try sleeping with a pillow between your legs, it does help a bit. and try to slow down in the eves and not push yourself too far.
The John Wayne look is set to make a comeback soon so dont worry :)
i moan and groan all night if im not comfy. Every movement is combined with an 'oooh' or 'ouch'. It takes me ages to walk around to bedroom door for my 3am wee as i hang onto everything
I get like that from about 5pm and also if ive been sat down for a long period of time (my hips seem to cease up)
since i was diagnosed with the diabetes i havnt needed to be up and down all night. I have one drink before bed and that gets me up at 3am ish, but thats still more than i want to be awake lol
mate i am 30 weeeks with my second and i have had the most terrible pains ever. reading on various sites it could be pregnancy sciatica or just braxton hicks ( which my midwife confirmed) she said its the same concept as feeling ur baby kick- you recognise it sooner with your 2nd because you know what it feels like so it is braxton hicks probably. i symapthise with you as i know how painful it is!!
It honestly feels like my hips are gonna give way when I get up in the night! The little one is still breech, if she would just turn, I think I could do with a change of where she usually kicks! Nice change having a dig in the ribs!!!!