I keep getting sharp twingey pains in my upper chest- sternum area when I move. They aren't there if I am still but can come on suddenly if I twist, bend or move even slightly. I was worried about them and NHS direct sent me an ambulance and the ECG was fine and normal. This was a week ago and I still get these pains. Any idea what they could be? I will go to the Doc as soon as I can get an appointment, but wondered if anyone else had heard of this?
Could be a whole manner of things from indigestion (your stomach is pretty high up in your body and it could be referred pain), a pulled muscle or a chest infection (I've had that kind of pain from this - and found out mild asthma was making things worse - an inhaler and anti-inflammatories did the trick).
The fact that your ECG was fine is good but still worth seeing your doctor to get it checked out.
I get sharp pains like that. I was told it was cramp in the muscles between the ribs.( Inter -costal cramps). makes me shout out with pain but gone quite quickly unless you move !!
ECG normal is reassuring, but one has to know a little bit more about you. How old are you, do you smoke, are you overweight and have you been engaged in abnormal physical exercise? I feel that naomicorlett (lovely name) is on the ball as is SRH, although indigestion seems to be an outsider.