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daneswalk | 23:05 Sun 30th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
do you people never think about us who cant for various reasons eat chocolate my case i am allergic to anything starting with c in the food line chicken chocolate cocoa and any antibiotics


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Antibioics begins with an A.

Can you eat cheese?
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Not even Wensleydale?
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no but watch this space for my great news on friday cant see anyone on ab guessing this one
You've won second prize in the elephant wallpapering competition?
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great answer panic button but no where near it has to do with my life i wont tell you my age but i wont see this side oseventy again
A birthday ?
I gave up.

My elephant wouldn't stand still.

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hey big mamma maybe the spelling is wrong just had my glass of whisky i have watched your answers with intrest in the past so i shall tell you my secret is on friday we shall be married for 55 years never had a serious arguement as i always say yes darling you are right dont you agree that is the best way i say women are always rught
55 years of married bliss , awww , I think that's really lovely .
You must be so well matched and it's great to hear that you are together still , isn't love wonderful . xxxxx

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