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what's in a name

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MiniN | 12:10 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Ok, I've been in my job at a small company for 3months now and my boss still pronounces my name wrong. its really annoying.

It happens ALL the time, wherever I go so I mostly just ignore it but today it is really bugging me. what can I say that won't embarass either of us?


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Pronounce his name wrong.
..or just call him a 'tunt' :<)
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i wish i could but his name is really plain.
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lol @ bj!

I do on 'rant friday'. never to his face though...shame!
Just say look its Mini N not Mini M
Just tell him.

People sometimes call me Chris which I hate. So when they say it I just say, "Christine..." and they apologise and then move on. They never get it wrong again.

You don't have to be rude about it. You're just correcting their error.
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i wish it was that simply! He even asked me at my interview the correct way of pronouncing my name (its not even difficult), but he keeps saying it the wrong way. he's a complete twit!
Wear a badge spelling your name phonetically :)
Just tell him how to pronounce it correctly, he might be your boss, but he's still human. lol I doubt he'll bite!
I spent 23 years correcting people about my name, nobody has ever found it cheeky! Next time he uses your name, just go "actually, my name i pronounced "X" and maybe add an interesting explanation "it's irish/welsh/indian" or "I'm named after X".
Oh ok. Now if he's a bit intellectually challenged, maybe Psychick's suggestion is your best bet! lol
Cant you get one of your colleagues to speak to him about you - so that he gets the idea how to pronounce your name? or what about an anonymous note? Or what about just calling him a completely different name e.g. bob or jim?

Or you could just casually correct him next time he says it.
If he pronounces your name wrong, then just ignore him,
i always assumed the "E" was silent...
therefore, you are just Mini to me.
couldnt be easier to pronounce, could it ???
E ?????
ffs im stupid !!!
the "N" was silent !!!

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what's in a name

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