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Hi Gelda,
Been waiting all day to find out how you went.
So sorry it has been postponed. That has to be a real bummer. Nothing worse than having to wait for results.
Think positively Gelda, as I know you usually do.
You have every right to feel down about all this at the moment.
I know someone who had to go through radiotherapy for the lung and after a week, it dramatically reduced the size of the tumour.
Do you have someone you can talk to about this, as there is nothing worse than having to face this alone.
Sorry that you are not feeling too good at the moment either.
Hey, just pretend you are taking a doggie for a walk Gelda.
My Hubby had to have a lung X Ray today. He goes into hospital 17th for his next operation, but they are always checking it has not spread.
Remember, you are not alone. I am always here.
We, you me and Hubby will beat this thing, I swear. That angel is still there with your name on it. Chin up. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx