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how will they beleive me now

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4getmenot | 13:16 Tue 01st Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Ok am now trying to tell people it was april fool about redcrx and it is going completely over their head


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having heard the latest (please send me the pic) Im likely to go into labour with the strain of laughing. Its hilarious so far!
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how can she think you had a black baby
oh dear!!! hope they havn't all gone out and bought 6-9month babygros!!!!
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my mum has even been congratulated this morning!
LOL.... I'd carry it on and say that Hosp made a mistake and they accidently mixed Red's baby with another couple who were black! you could have so much fun! x
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just got another of last culprit after I said you've changed the name to april she thinks thats a lovely name and asks how you are getting on
omg that pic even looks like a 3 month old.

cute but not my baby
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yer but it was 12lbs 3
well yes the weight looks about right
Have you got a link to that 4getme?
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to what?
The joke about redcrx?
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look on bigmamma morning post
its cruel now. especially as shes telling everyone in her salon, some of them must know its a joke
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have rang her and said 12lbs 3 come on and then she said oh it didnt weight that much then!! Oh dear, she's told everyone
She sounds as slow as me bless her lol Ive still got images of 4GS sat there with a cork in his mouth to help with his "ring of fire"!!
Psy, even with pregnancy brain youd never be as bad as her hun.
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she is gullible but she is the sweetest best friend you could ever have

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how will they beleive me now

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