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4GS | 11:04 Wed 02nd Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I don't normally get these, but I think I have one now, the inside of my skull feels like it's full of potatoes that are being mashed.

Is that a headache?


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or a hangover?
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Sounds like it to me John or maybe you have a head cold?
My face feels like it's in a vice today, I've got a cold and my sinuses are causing me some distress :(
yer or it could be a migraine 4GS, do you have any tablets to hand?
ooooh sarcastic as usual Leggy ?
Morning anyway hows you?
Question Author
Yeah hellie, I've had a head cold for a couple of days now, I took two paracetamols earlier but they are about as much use as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest, I cant take Ibuprofen as i'm allergic to them

Anyone got a pistol?
a non medicinal cure is to put pressure on the fleshy parts between thumb and first finger.

Try squeezing it as hyard as you can if you havnt got any tablets.
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if you were a woman I'd kiss you.

it's bl00dy hard work typing with my elbows though ;-)
Oh I was going to suggest ibruprofen to take any swelling down on head. Can you take antihistamine? As cause may be your sinuses if head cold.

if she was a woman???
Believe me John I'd use it before you if I did :(
Awww , you poor thing , hope you are better real soon hun , headaches are rotten !
Is this what you are looking for , it will do the trick , but make sure you do it right or your head will be worse !
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There are no women on Answerbank 4get, you're all ladies

Thanks mamma, just the job.

Sorry ABers I'm off to a darkened room, see y'all later
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i've got a sinus headache and it feel like someone is poking needles into my face just below my eyes
Hey 4Gs,

If it's a sinus headache paracetamol wont touch it.

BB xx
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Go get yourself some cool n soothe strips to go on your forehead and go for a lie down in a dark quiet room.
A vindaloo legend ;)

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