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littlejan | 19:49 Mon 15th Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
I want to lose weight and then give up smoking. A tall order. So does hypnotherapy work?  Any one got first hand experience?  Its expensive, so I don't want to waste my hard earned cash.


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not really. eat less and dont smoke. why would you need extra motivation to stop killing yourself and looking fat? madness
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Gosh. Thanks, El D. Really helpful. 

HI - sorry for the late answer...


Firstly, read this:

This should answer some of your queries..... As for personal experience... I have done a little hypnotherapy and it does work. The trick is to MAINTAIN it, so you need to do your hypnosis on a daily basis,  it only takes about half an hour tops. Try reading a little more about it before commiting though because it's not for everyone....

BTW - I use it for Pain management, and yes mostly it works.....

Hi Littlejan

I had hypnotherapy in March to stop smoking, haven';t had a ciggie since, best thing i've ever done. I smoked 20 a day for 15 years!!!!!

I would recommend trying Paul McKenna cds, I have tried two of his, Quit smoking and Sleep like a log. they cost about �20 each and you order them from his web site.  I find them very effective and as they are not too expensive you may find them worth a try.  Good luck !!
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Thanks to all who replied with genuinely helpful stuff.  Its not going to be easy, but I really do want to do this, so am very grateful.

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