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Where did it go?

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bigmamma | 11:25 Sun 06th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I was just posting on hau kolas thread when it vanished !


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Hee Psychick , hi sweetie , that's if you've got eyebrows to dye , I would have a job finding mine , they're so fine !
Snow Jane , ours has completely gone , thankfully .
If Qs get banned, do they dissappear from your profile?
I just went onto my profile as hau.My Q is still there and i posted on it.It came up as 8th of 5??????
kola, the thread might re-appear once youre back online with the Hau Kola name
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No kola hun , your banned questions stay visible in your profile , if banned they have a pinkish banner over the top saying so. If the question is still there looking ok it means it wasn't banned , it will appear back on the AB pages once you are out of the dungeon ;-) xxxx
Hmmmm, but why am i in the dungeon?I wonder...
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Lets hope you're released tomorrow morning hun :-)xxx

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