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KM Links Game - April week 1 Results

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seekeerz | 10:43 Mon 07th Apr 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

after a bumpy start to the morning, I'm back with what I hope are the correct scores for this weekends game - read on......


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Not wishing to ruffle any feathers, I'll post what I hope are the correct matches here -

Poetic License
Nail File
Golden Eagle
Cross Hatch

and the scoring went like this - DizzyLizzie started off the proceedings with Golden Eagle, as did cliffyg, jan1956 & lysander who picked up a further two bonus points for Poetic License - carrying right on from last month isn't she !!! slaney came along with Nail File and then patchett also picked up two for Poetic License plus one for a good guess. And then after the compulsory lull in activities both kettledrum & chriss simultaneously posted Cross Hatch for the final bonus points

The good guess department was quite busy too, with teacher1 picking up three points, crofter, jobjockey, BigMac, ShazzaHewit, nabob & Cleocima all scored two while a further 17 entrants opened their accounts for the new month.

The Leader Board - well very early in the piece, however on top with 4 points - lysander
and with 3 points - patchett & teacher1

Congratulations or commiserations all round, we'll hope for better things next time - till then, try and keep out of mischief !!! Cheers, S
Question Author

Glad to see you're around (S) I was wondering where you were.
A personal best for me, I don't think.

At last - Zero points for both sets of links!!

Oh well there is always next week.

Well done lysander and I hope to trouble you more next week seekeerz ;)
Keeping up my big fat zeros.

Well done Lysander, you seem to have got the hang of these games !

Thanks to seekeerz
I'm on a par with Grenmus - not a single point in either game. Roll on next least I can't get any worse.
Well done Lysander and thanks to Steff for all the hard work
I can't remember who said it (I think it was a Bishop of Salisbury - maybe sarumite can confirm), but it applies to me with a continuing saga of zeros:
"The horror of the human condtion, any human condition, is that one soon gets used to it" :-((
AS to the c*ck up of 16ac and 17dn, this is the kind thing guaranteed to give one an ulcer. NOW if KM had had a clue of "kind of ulcer guaranteed by bad proof-reading" then we could have had "peptic" for 16ac and we'd all have been happy - apart from the link!

Well done Lysander.
Thanks seekeerz....and well done again lysander.
One for me in KM and one for Mr. O in MM so a better start to the month than we've had in a long time.
Lysander is off to the races again I note!
Thanks Steff for working out the scores and until next weekend I hope everyone has a good week.

sarumite -

Chambers gives ....

Poetic LicenCe

should your stated answer not be the spelling used when KM prints the crossword answers ..... will you be amending the result set down below?

I think it would be helpful if policy on this matter - basing the AB competition on an inaccuracy - is known?

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KM Links Game - April week 1 Results

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