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warpig3 | 03:18 Sat 12th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Contact someone throught sports AB, have had a look but cant see anything, have been a bit thick lately!

Oh, morning all.


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piggy send tem a message on sab

until then

who knows

Morning warpig!!! I wanted to do the same a few days back - but couldn't find the person I wanted!!!
Question Author
thats what I was gonna do leggy but cant seem to see the right link. Am completely knackered by the way, whats with the weather over here, one minute its sunshine the next hail and snow,grrrrrr, am I in som sort of weather vortes????

How you doing leggy?
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icemaiden, thats what I want to do, contact someone without everyone knowing all their buisness but had a look on sports AB and cant find the messagening bit, but as I say am a bit thick lately, d'oh!
warpig, are they in your friends list?

If not have a look through until you find them in someone elses list and then message them.
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*am I in some sort of weather vortex*
-- answer removed --
Cheers for that! I'd forgotten what to do, with having so many other messages to reply to! Odd though - some people don't appear on my friends list now, yet we email each other, and accepted friendship invitations!!
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Hi louisa, no they arent on my friends list, it is just someone who posted a problem and I wanted to know if they were ok (complicated and delicate). Just thought SAB would work, maybe I will go on to beta and try that, wish me luck!!!!!!!
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Icemaiden do you still use the beta AB, havent been on it for ages therefore am sure to have loads of messages, well perhaps one!!!!!!!
good luck warpig just beware of the curse of beta LOL

How's baby warpig doing???
No I use SB now and again x
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Louisa, baby is fine (7 weeks today) but she gave us the run around today!!! Didnt know whether to laugh or cry, think she is going through a growth spurt as she is feeding like a demon and then wants to play all night! Its kinda cute really except that I want to sleep Zzzzzzzzzzz. But what the heck, just gotta go with the flow!
LOL warpig i remember the feeling well......both of mine seemed to come alive at night quick time goes one is 21 this year and the other is 6 lol....makes me feel old LOL can run you ragged can't it, but things usually calm down after a bit. Having said eldest never had a sleep during the day - and not much at night either. Must take after me!!! He was brilliant though - hardly ever cried. People used to remark that they'd never seen such a happy smiling baby. xx
And sorry warpig - what's your baby's name again? So many people on AB seem to be having them at the moment - or they've JUST had the,. Confuddles me! Lol.
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She is called Lexi (Alexandra) and normally she is such a good baby and doesnt normally cry, think that is what threw us! she just didnt stop, nothing wrong wiht her, fed, changed, burped etc but she was just out of sorts then she settled and came alive just as we had lost the end of our thether!

Bless her, she is sleeping now and looks so lovely, all thqt went before now forgotten!

LOL @ louisa, one 21 and one 6, did it take you that long to get over the first birth?????????
Warpig sweetie , what a god-forsaken time to be awake honey , you must be shattered . Little Lexi is 7 weeks already , wow where did those weeks go to ;-) xxxxx
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lol bigmamma, sometimes I dont even know what day it is! Lexi is doing great, you would hardly recognise her from the little baby that appeared 7 weeks ago, she has little chubby legs and arms and a big fat tummy and a great personality (except when she is crying or course).
Lovely to hear that you and Lexi are well and that she is growing fine. All you need now is for her to give you a good nights sleep honey ! :-) xxxxxx

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