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Just want to say thanks

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DONNNAKEBAB | 13:51 Mon 14th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
to all of you and for your kind words last night.

To the real Knobby, I know it wasnt you with the sarky comments. I hadnt realised there were such horrible people around. So just to reiterate, I know it wasnt you.

Thanks again to everyone.

Katie. x


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Hi Katie,
No problem. Hope things are better today and your mum is ok!

I wish to apologise for encouraging you to have a drink, when I did not know your history, please forgive me and I hope you managed to abstain. Keep up the good work.

Funny X
Question Author
oh bless you honey and thank you. Thank you for your kind words. It is just so upsetting to see your parents getting old and unwell. Dad isnt so well either so its a pretty flipping challenging time at the moment.

Tell me, who was that guy pretending to be Knobby, that was wicked and it really upset me. (so MY apologies too for the language used to him if it offended you or anyone else)

Mum is doing okay and doesnt remember very much. She has had one before and its so frightening.

I have come into work this afternoon but cant concentrate, hence my being on here.

thanks again honey.

Katie. x
Katie, we don't know, but he is a troll!!

He has caused no end of trouble on here last night and earlier today a thread disappeared.

When It gets like this, I tend to keep away!!
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what is a troll?

katie. x
Check this out:
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Hi Redhead, how are you. Hope you are okay, I wondered where you had been.

Thanks for saying Hi. What it was is that my Mum had a TIA (mini stroke last night) and I was panicking. I couldnt be at the hosp as I had to look after Tilly and I didnt want her seeing my Mum like that. I posted on here as I really really wanted a drink but didnt want to fall off the wagon after all my hard work. There was a guy on here calling himself Knobby (but it wasnt the real Knobby) and he was saying some pretty nasty stuff. It has been taken off now but it was really upsetting.

Where have you been honey?

Hi to you too.

You have been missed

Katie. x
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Hi Katie,

Sorry to hear your bad news, I hope you're feeling a bit better today. I'm sure you're mum will get better although its hard watching someone you know being sick. Just ignore whoever it was being nasty, clearly they have nothing better to do with their pitiful life xx
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Got that Funny and its about right about him (or her) isnt it.

'Ugly obnoxius creature bent on mischief and wickedness and baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrup normal on topic discussion'

I just cant beleive that anyone could be that sick and nasty. Its the real Knobby I feel sorry for having had to have put up with it.

Katie. x
Someone is impersonating Legend too!!
So be careful!!!
Hello DonnaK! Miss that thread last night. Just want to say hello and wish you and your parents all the best. Take care and don't worry too much. Things have a way of working out.

Love and best wishes. X
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Funnygirl. Who the HELL would want to impersonate Legend. Good Lord.

That has just made me laugh.

Thanks for all your good wishes.

Katie. x

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Just want to say thanks

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