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Funny name for an evil person...

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pauliwauli2 | 23:11 Mon 14th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Me and my friend are trying to think of a funny name for this horrible girl we really don't like!! Preferably an evil man (or woman) in history, like Hitler only wittier.

Any good ideas???



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one of my personal heroes attila the hun
Sounds like bullying to me.
Question Author
She's EVIL! She cheated on our friend with his best friend!! And it's only in reference. :)
Sorry it makes me laugh that you feel you have to ask for ideas on something like that, i find it bemusing.
countess bathory was quite a lady
Scary Mary...!!!perfect

I know one one too!! She is evil, manipluative and a cunning.

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I'm just trying to start a conversation! This is the "chatterbank" is it not?

Gengis Khan?
The Blood Countess?
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Witchipoo, she was real scary.
The Pitbull?
Maggie Snatcher?
Bucket Crotch?
Cruella De Vile?
Slack Snatch Sally?
Pol Pot, he was evil.
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Well, tony, you know best, I'm sure.
Some best friend he was???
Pauliwauli2 - how would YOU feel if some other couple of girls were saying this sort of stuff about you ?

I know if it was me, in this *horrible girl's* position, I would not be too happy right now, wondering what on earth she had done to upset you two to the extent that you were comparing her to Hitler et al.

Have you any idea - really - what Herr Hitler was all about ? Time you two got your history books out again, I think.
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Again? Jeezo, I'm not that old, I'm still studying history! And my friend is a boy!

Sorry to cause any offense. If I knew how to close this thread, I would, but I don't! :)
OK, Pauli.... no problem, just post "please no more answers"

Glad you appreciate that calling people Hitler might not actually be very funny (especially not for those who lost whole rafts of families due to him and his seriously deranged ideas).

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