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Ok it's time.

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puss_boots | 23:31 Wed 16th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I have been on and off here tonight just looking around and answering a few Qs. I think that it is about time for most of us normal people to think about switching off the puter. So tell us all what do you do when you have turned off do you go straight to bed or do you have a drink and watch tv for a while. I need a mental picture of your night time habits so.................................Night night folks.


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goodnight puss, sleep well! x
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i know everything now iap! ;-) a true insight into life behind the pickles closed doors!
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�50.00!!! I only have �47.36p ! I guess your secrets shall remain that way! ;-)
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lol thank goodness i broke into my last �50.00 note this afternoon then! I dont need any help in that department!
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