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Rhys Jones murder inquest

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Jillius | 14:38 Thu 17th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I've just been watching this on the news and it really gets on my nerves as to why the 17 year old murderer has to have his identity protected for legal reasons.
Thugs like this should be named and shamed. His picture and his name should be splashed across every newspaper and billboard every where.
How his lovely parents have remained so dignified should be commended.


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It will be because he has not stood trial yet and until proven guilty he is innocent in the eys of the law.
The name will no doubt be leaked at some point tho.
He has to have his identity protected because at this time he hasn't been tried for or found guilty of the murder.He will undoubtedly be named if he is found guilty.
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Will he be named though if he is proven innocent weeal ?
I thought under 18's weren't named.
I would imagine the press will get a hold of the info and print it anyway, not sure of the legalities on his age, Im guessing Im afraid.
in fact, they did name the two child murderers who killed wee Jamie Bulger, so yes, they will name him if guilty, but if he's innocent why would they?
If the press were to print his name at this stage they would be open to being prosecuted. The judge concerned can allow the naming of the suspect I think but that is a rarity.............i'm sure Ethel will be able to straighten out the legalities of it all for us if she sees the question.
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Oh yeah, I forgot about James Bulger's killers being named. If he's innocent then that's fair enough.
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Yeah, daffy, Ethel seems pretty tuned in on most things. I have a neighbour called Ethel and she is a little old lady with a bun who sits knitting all day with her cat on her knee and everytime I see Ethel has left a reply I can't help but thinking it's my neighbour !! I think the Ethel on here wears leather trousers and rides a Harley Davidson lol
Given that he has been charged, he will now (if he has not already) appear in the Mags Court and then it will be sent straight to the Crown. At the MC, the court will order that anyone under 18 cannot be named by the press under the Children and Young Persons Act (I forget the year, think it is 1934). At the Crown Court the press may apply for that order to be lifted, but it is up to the Judge. If the def is convicted, the chances of his name being released is quite high.

If the press print the name while there is an order in force, they can be prosecuted for contempt.

I think it is fair he is not named unless and until conviction. It sometimes makes my blood boil though when women make false accusations of rape and their identity is forever protected whereas the poor defendant has his name splashed all over the papers. Sorry, off topic.
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yeas, barmaid, I know exactly what you mean by that ! It goes on to ruin the man's life even when proved innocent while the girl is free to go and do it again !
if this kid is found guilty then maybe he should be shot through the neck?
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Yeah, the punishment should fit the crime. Also life should mean life and not just a few months in prison.

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