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say something not very nice

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VorVZakone | 20:23 Thu 17th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
about the poster below you.

Smells a bit of stilton.


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What poster ???? Am I missing something here ?
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God it is a bit whiffey aint it.
No it isn't, I have left, just popping back to remind you.
I smell fish ^^^
Question Author
no, I meant *the person below you*, get with the program.
Salubrious sextoy salesman.
I hope it's a good quality fish dris, halibut or turbot.

I have to suffer sea bass again tonight, with new potatoes and baked beans.
Question Author
halibut: the king of fish.
No im not
Theres no-one below me !!!!!

I thouht you would have been sea bassing tonight whiff for some reason !!
oops -you are sea bassing -am I psychic or what ?
Im below you now drissy
can I say something not very nice about the poster instead?
knobby -you wish -lol
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say something not very nice

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