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have you ever...............

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banjosister | 08:01 Tue 22nd Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Said those three little word in the throes of passions when you didn't mean it?

Start as you mean to go on lol

BB xx


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What 3 little words? do you mean "Is it in"?
Or is it...I said no
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LOL 4G's,

YOU know what I mean.

Well I'd better show willing and go off to work.

Have a good one all, maybe catch you later.

BB xx
I am sorry!
I have said it in those circumstances but I did mean it and my boyfriend always says it x
The only three words I hear are, " Ceiling needs painting"
LOL Ray,

guess you should change positions occasionally.

BB xx
I did try it banjo, but the all I got then was "Is that it" I give up. off to work now, be good you lot xx
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You all know that the three little words I am talking about is,


and I so obviously do


BB xx
Only when I'm in he throes of passion and there's no-one else there!!
Lol redhead - you beat me to it!!! Hi hun.
It might've been; Is that all? What a tiddler! Have you done? What's the time? Chips for dinner!

I love you? Never in the throes of passion - because it's rarely meant then, is it?!!! x

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