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HMMM? | 02:40 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Relationships & Dating
6 Answers
What does a girl feel when i massage her feet? What does she believe I feel?


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She feels your hands.

She believes you feel her feet.

Watch pulp fiction - quite a serious discussion on this very topic.

Does she not speak?

Try asking her.

I am assuming she likes it and asks you to do it often. Has she ever massaged your feet?

My ex used to love having his feet massaged.

BB xx
You'd be feeling a kick in the side of the head if you tried even touching my feet!!! I absolutely hate it and have been known to get really violent with people who have tried it after being told not
I'm with you daffy - I once told my saix-year-old who was jokng about tickling my feet that she'd be sent to bed if she did it!

My wife and my youngest daughter (eighteen) both love having their feet massaged. i do it because I love them, but I get no pleasure from it - except their appreciation, but I find it tedious to be honest.

I think they both just enjoy the relaxing sensation - so fair enough.

I would rather disembowel myself with a rusty spoon, but hey, what ever floats your proverbial boat.

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