pet stain in The AnswerBank: Pets
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pet stain

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leo9902 | 13:12 Thu 17th Apr 2008 | Pets
3 Answers
hi my cat has weed on my leather sofa really bad and wondered what might get the stain / smell away argggg.
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The best thing I have found is a cheap pine disinfectant.

I have seem cosmetic soaps recommended and lemon juice. It is important to get rid of the smell though as the cat will associate it with being a legitimate toiletting spot and continue to use it.
The problem with cleaning or treating leather is that it can change the colour so will probably need to be treated all over. As first aid - Wash with warm water & a well wrung cloth to avoid wetting the leather too much, wipe away all traces of urine & allow to dry naturally - no direct heat. Exposure to natural sunlight is a great de-odouriser. Then see how much of a mark is left. There are various leather balsam/cream products wich will feed the leather (to prevent cracking) but they may change the colour slightly.
I would consult the manufacturers to be safe. Then use a shower curtain to cover the sofa to protect it until you can break the habit.
As for the cat - it sounds as if the cat is scent marking the sofa as 'it's' territory. Exclude the cat until all trace of the marking has gone & then the best & fastest solution is to use a pheramone spray (not diffuser). Feliway is the most well known brand. You can get it from your vet (�15 approx.) & it comes with complete instructions. It changes urine (& clawing) marking to facial marking - what the cat does when it rubs it's head against you. Good luck.
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hi thanks for that very helpful.

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