as a matter of fact the language is called Oddle-Poddle , flobbadob translated from oddle-poddle means flowerpot .
The Flowerpot Men were created by Hilda Brabben, who named the duo after
her two young brothers, William and Benjamin. Weed was based upon her
youngest sister Phyllis. The characters were voiced by Peter Hawkins, and
for years, rumours have persisted in the press and media regarding the birth
of Bill and Ben's "flobbadob" language. Supposedly the term was actually
based on the exclamations conjured forth by Hilda's brothers when ever they
broke wind in the bath. But alas, this simply isn't true. Here's Peter's son
Silas Hawkins, to correct us all:
"The word 'flobbadob' is the word 'flowerpot' translated into
'Oddle-poddle' the language my father invented for Bill and
Ben, the Flowerpot Men. For each episode of the show he
would be given a script in English which he would then
translate into Oddle-Poddle.