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oil paintings

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Gads | 13:56 Sat 27th Nov 2004 | Arts & Literature
3 Answers
Can anyone tell me how to clean an oil painting?


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If you suspect the painting has any worth at all - DON'T clean it yourself. Get a professional to do it, after you have got an independent valuation
simms is absolutely right.  If it isn't anything very special a VERY weak solution of amonia and cotton wool will lift a lot of general dirt like nicotine.  Be careful not to get the canvas too wet.  Or you can get a sort of magic putty from Lion (look for them on google under picture framing supplies) which lifts dirt off.  I think you'll have to order their catalogue though - the web site doesn't seem to give half the stuff they actually do.
I used tea tree oil, it lifts a lot of the grime. But please don't try it on an expensive or old oil painting, these need professional advice.

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