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pet for my daughter.

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DONNNAKEBAB | 20:57 Wed 30th Apr 2008 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
Can anyone give me any ideas on a pet for my daughter, she is desperate. I work full time and we go out a lot too.

I have racked my brains and to no avail.


katie. x


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I thought you brought her a horse? That's bit of a handful by itself!
Fish are good. If you think plain goldfish are boring look at the 'fancy' varieties. Or try the easiest tropical fish. Mollies ( sailfin, potbelly or ordinary) or platies ( hifin, sunset or tuxedo) are livebearers which means they get 'pregnant' & have baby fish instead of laying eggs. Corydorus catfish (6)(albino, bronze, etc.) are very cute & clean up any left over food. Plus one albino ancestrus will eat all your algae without scaring the child to death. All the above live happily together in a 60ltr tank. Get a good book & planning will be as much fun as setting it up. Feed once a day & do a 20% water change once a week. Easy!
what about a rabbit or a hamster they dont take a lot of looking after
You don't say that she is interested in any specific pet so maybe you could use it as an opportunity to explain to her that unless you have the time and interest, it isn't fair on the animal to have a pet.
Hamsters are quite delicate little things so I'd go more towards a rabbit or guinea pig.
Guinea pigs are good

They dont tend to scrath or bite like rabbits and dont take a lot of looking after, just make sure they get a good run. I do hate pets that are just locked in a cage all the time.

Gerbils are also good, they're so fun to watch too. I had three and we put them in a big fish tank full of their sawdust etc so that we could see them (as aposed to the tunnels cage that people tend to get)

good luck xxxx
Giant African Land Snails. They eat lettuce and cucumber, live in a tank on a bed of peat and just need spraying with warm water once a day. They can be handled and will slither up the side of the tank to keep you amused.
It depends how old she is and whether she will commit to looking after it.
We have fish, hamster and rabbit, the latter two looking for a new home because other thqan me feeding and cleaning them, nobody pays them the slightest bit of interest.
Children quickly become tired of pets, I would wait a few years or get a cat as they are mostly self reliant anyway.
The joys of parenthood! lol
if you work full time and go out alot then I don't think having any kind of pet would be fair. Every pet I can think of with the exception of a goldfish needs love and attention some of the time and shouldn't be bought just for the sake of it then end up stuck in a cage. Sometimes it is best to say no to your children.

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pet for my daughter.

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