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How stupid am I ...........

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chappie | 01:53 Mon 05th May 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
It has just dawned on me. Fay Mousse (Ethel's other name) is a take-off of famous. Only just realised it ......... doh!


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Who is Fay Mousse, or Ethel ??????
the best jokes are the ones that hit you around 1am, I always find
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She is an ABer who has a fantastic wealth of knowledge, and has given loads of good advice on the Answerbank. She is apparently now banned as Ethel, and is posting using her other username which is Fay Mousse. (famous).
Don't feel stupid chappie. I didn't realise that till I read this thread!!! Double doh!
Question Author
Thanks pooh, you have made me feel a bit better. In one post, I actually asked her if her real name was Fay! (TRIPLE doh!)
didnt know that as well

nice to be informed

wersss ice the night


hi happie chappie
Question Author
Hi Harry, please tell me that it hadn't dawned on you either - sometimes I can't believe how daft I am!

Thanks for reply.
LOL!! Just this minute come on. Monts! xxx

And yes, Ethel, whether male or female, is brilliant with help on computers - plus other stuff. Why the banning, i don't know....but hi Fay!!! x
-- answer removed --
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Great! I'm feeling better by the minute!
Just skipped back through some posts, and it seems the clones are out again, so whether Ethel's really Fay now or not, I don't know - but it's not an actual clone anyway, is it - just him or her maybe using another username if they were banned for any reason. Seems very odd if Ethel's been booted off though, as all answers are just helpful and accurate.
I think she may have posted too often - if the system hiccups and you push submit again it may go through twice, then it thinks you're spamming and temporarily bans you. No suggestion of moral failure on her part.
Oi Chappie, Fay Mousse is indeed a famous ABer.
Hi figure - xx.

Yes jno - that's most likely to be the reason.
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Ice.Maiden, Ethel really is Fay Mousse, she has posted earlier to confirm this.

I am sure she wasn't banned as Ethel due to anything bad, as Ethel is not that type.
You've made me smile.

My real name is Ethel. Fay Moose would be a great cartoon character, don't you think? A moose diva.
Question Author
It certainly would Ethel.

Great to hear from you.

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