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Right my weekend starts here!!

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dot.hawkes | 22:43 Mon 05th May 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I've got two days off now after two really busy days at work, anyone know if we are going to get some sun? the blisters on my hand from all the gardening on saturday and starting to heal, and so by tomorrow i could be out there doing some flagging!!!


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just reading your programme and I am flagging already, dot... But I am going to Prague for a few days so no DIY thank you.
We have some friends coming to stay from the South of France on Weds the 7th and I am very pleased that the weather forecast is good, sunshine and nice warm temps, their room is ready and I have cleaned the whole house but although I have planned most of their stay I am stuck for a good day out on Thursday, anybody got any suggestions.
I have heard good reports about this weeks weather.

I worked like a savage today so I missed the bank holiday boredom!
hi dot yes we are going to have a hot week so they say ...been lovely hot today ..:)
I've been bored stiff all weekend and forsee a week of feeling the same way...Although at least it's more fun to be bored on a sunny day!
when I was younger me and my sister used to always say boooored (monotonous and whiney fashion) , we soon learnt to keep our traps shut when my mom used to happily dole out chores to do to combat the boredom.
Hi, Today I visited some friends in Tenterdent, way down in Kent, what I call deep countryside

We spent a glorious day, walking through fields and it was baking hot!!

We stopped at a country pub for lunch and did some more walking around and then we came home!! Lovely day!!
Yup. My mum used to threaten to find things for us to do as well! I'm seriously thinking of investing in rollerskates. I suppose if I'm really, really bored I can take my book to the park and sit in the sun.
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Has it been warm today? I didn't notice, I've been stuck inside all day, I hope it is nice then as I want to make a start on my patio, the flags are yellow and pink, should go nicely with a pewter coloured patio set with green gazebo, and I have seen some aluminium oval planters too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah Dot... More importantly, do you have a BBQ and when are we invited?
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nope I cannot abide barbeques!!!! I can never cook on them and they make too much heat!!! Mind you those gas ones are ok I guess, i shall have a look at one next month. I just want some plants at the moment!
Dotty i might just pop round yours for a brew next time I'm at Matalan :))

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Right my weekend starts here!!

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