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Literary agents

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2gbmum | 17:52 Wed 14th May 2008 | Books & Authors
2 Answers
Are they necessary? Invaluable maybe? What exactly do they do? Are there any in the Children's book publishing world to avoid?


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Generally an agent will have a good knowledge of the publishing industry and will be able to help sell your work to the most appropriate publisher. He or she will help you to negotiate the financial and legal aspects of the business and I've heard from some authors that an agent be your best friend as an author

However there are as many who will say it's not necessary and that there's nothing an agent can do that an experienced writer can't.

You can do worse than beg, borrow or buy a copy of the Writers and Artists Year Book. This lists all publishers and agents, along with brief details of what sort of work they represent. It's not a foolproof list, because anyone can be listed in there for a small fee, but the ones who are members of recognised trade associations are clearly marked.
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Many thanks saxy-jag

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Literary agents

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