Dont worry , when the tories get elected , we will all be cheering them for achieving the following :-
Fuel price - 50p per gallon
Inflation - 0.1 %
Income Tax rate - 10p across the board
Unemployment - Full employment
House repossesions - Nil
Retirement age - 55
NHS Consultant appointment - 2 weeks to be seen
Nasty hospital bugs - Thing of the past
Mixed sex wards - " "
Obesity - Everyone a size zero or the equivalent
Global credit crunch - Eh , what's that then ?
Interest rates - 0.5 %
Global warming - re- formation of melted icebergs
Crime - Why are you locking your front door ?
Crime again - All poppy growing across the globe
Crime again - Problem sorted , all black men
kicked out of the country
inimum wage - � 10 per hour
Terriost threat - All the bad people having a road to
Damascus experience .
Smoking ban - Repealed
Cows attacking people walking in fields - Minders, for
people walking
in fields
Billy Connely - Imprisoned for not being funny
Cameron doing his bit for the enviroment -- Getting rid of
the car following