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sleepyj | 18:09 Sat 17th May 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
im going to join a gym next week many days and hours do you go a week to get any results...?


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I go eight days a week for 25 hours each day, but them I am a bit of a perfectionist.
Hello sleepy hun , I have no idea but if you join a gym as a member , you should be shown how to use all the equipment for your ability at this stage , and advised on the time and regimes tailored to you personally. :-) xxxxxx
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hi big hope your mouth is ok now ...yeah i was thinking off going 3 or 4 times a week hour a time ,,,x
Sounds about right!! I need to get back into it but have no gym motivation at the mo!!
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have you been going for a long time ?
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Have been a member for about a year...when i get into it i go all the time - just havin a slight lapse!!
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i do bike nearly everyday it does give me a good buzz ....
I do three times a week for about 50mins each time. I lost a stone when i first started (even though i was not on a diet) and have now stuck at at size 8.

I love going, cant recommend it enough
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wow angel well done !!
once a week golf?! I played 3 days last week and one day at the range practicing, who needs gyms!

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what golf on the wii game ....still cant get a wii fit .
lol no real golf, every round is a 6 mile walk, then there is playing the game !!
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