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bobtheturkey | 19:57 Sun 18th May 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
what socks you will wear tomorrow?


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All my socks are white, I find it makes choosing in the morning easy....and no I don't wear a suit and black shoes
none at all
Black bob xxx
What will yours be bob ?
Oooo I like those ones tigger :-D
awww Tiggs theyre so cute lol
Black bob. Not calling you black bob, black as in socks bob.
well bob -as it is not yet the end of the month-the same ones as ive had on since the start of may
I will wear none.
Great aren't they. Lol
Got some cheap winter ones from primark, you end up with a few pound of fluff between the toes, know the kind bob? or are you a pringle kind of man? lol xxx
Lol Skyep
bob, don't leave us all in suspense!
I will choose in the morning bob, but I guarantee they will be stripy.
-- answer removed --
Pink and black number :) x
Bob must be rummaging in his sock drawer trying to make the choice
ive got these socks from tkmax
i has the same kind when at primary school, they had a holey pattern on them. can anyone remember them apart from me?
i llllove them and thats what ill be wearing tomorrow.

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