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fancy dress

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xxlisa | 17:09 Mon 19th May 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
me and 4 friends (all female) are going to a fancy dress party and all want to go as part of a set, but something more original that the spice girls or bunnies etc.
any ideas?


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What about the girls in the Sheilas Wheels advert they are all in pink dresses.
oops there are 5 of you - soz lol
You could always be 5 Sheilas
SATC Girls

Charlie's Angels Girls - and one dressed as Charlie


Are there girls in the WWF?

St Trinians

Different Barbies (beach Barbie, at home mum barbie etc.)

Gladys Knights andthe Pips

Care Bears

Do you mind not dressing as girls? If not, you cold think about

Kiss (way funky make up!)

4 Horsemen (women!) of the Apocolypse

The 4 Musketeers
oo! heres the costumes for the sheilas!! (3 of) 80043

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