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I am Back!!!!!

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Abdulmajid | 19:21 Mon 19th May 2008 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I am certain nobody has missed me but I have be away for over 5 weeks so thought I will say hello.

I also wish to relay to my many female admirers that I am afraid your desires must henceforth be quashed as I am now engaged!!!!!!

I met her on my third night in New York and popped the question upon my leaving America. She will be arriving next week when we will be moving to Edinburgh!!! Christ!!!

I am sure the scotch will love me, but its only for 6 months.

Does life get any better? I really doubt it.



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Glad about that, anyway congrats on your engagement I always believed that there is someout out there for everybody you just have to be in the right place at the right time.
Good grief that was a job quickly and well done! Best of british to you and all that.
Think a street here is a block in the
USA ..Peacehaven was built on the
american grid system ..look on the
web Joe ..hope she will like Marmite
toast ..and dippy 4mins eggs ...
Question Author
She likes her food, indeed.

However, I opt for the standard 3 minute egg. However, I am fully aware that this may cause a slight snot aesthetic with stringy white (sorry can't spell albium??).

Regarding Marmite, it will be an enjoyment shared upon her arrival. She is looking forward to proper Fish and Chips and real beer. You can not get a pint of best in the USA for love nor money.
Hi wardy, good to see you back, so you been and gone and done it, cdongratulations and welcome home, have great life with the mrs wardy to be, take it easy and enjoy your life.
Question Author
Well thank you Uncle Raymondo. She is truly stunning with a very hearty backside to match.
Sounds superb wardy, I am very pleased for you, can't beat a nice bit of rump. really mean it, good luck to you both, great news,
Congratulations, I hope you'll both be very happy together.

What is she studying?
Welcome back and congrats Wardy, I don't think i've ever 'seen' you so perky and joyous!! She must be good for you!
Learn your first American term and its definition: =block*3+0&dict=A

The only problem I can see is it seems you have been wating for Mrs Right.

If she has been waiting for Mr Right, do you fit the criteria.

Best wishes to you both.
Yay Congratulations Wardy!

You've mentioned she's got the backside, and is she also Jewish and has black hair? lol
Brilliant news!!! It's exciting, can i get a hat now, (B00 never asked lol)
Question Author
She is not Jewish sadly, but very darked haired. A bit of Red Indian (or native American as they like to be known) somewhere down the line.

Dotty, we will marry in the States, but feel free to come along.
Hope you post the weddings pics, knobby did so we wait in anticipation.
Hello Wardy, welcome back.

WOW! That's all happened rather quickly. A whirlwind exciting!

It's great to see you so happy and I hope that you and the amply bottomed Mrs-Wardy-to-be have a spankingly happy future together.

With my East London background and cockney accent, I can't imagine why you wouldn't have chosen me though ;-D

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