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Sound on youtube or anything !!!

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Drisgirl | 23:50 Wed 21st May 2008 | Technology
2 Answers
I know- I know- its easy but I have checked the sound thingy on my bar to the right at the bottom and its not on mute I have right clicked (just cos I was once told to but nothings happening) and I have pestered you tube to mute and de-mute,

Please help -I have the capacity but its been taken up wiht other thingies just now.

What i can to to de mute -cheers if y can helpl helpess !!!


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Bit lengthy to explain all your options, but I suggest you click the 'Start' button, locate and click on the 'Help And Support' function, and when that launches enter "Sound Troubleshooter" in the Search box. Click on the link in the Search Results box on the left-hand side, and follow the instructions.
Can you hear sounds from other souces, cds, Windows sounds, wavs etc?
If not are your speakers plugged in (cables sometimes fall out ) and switched on?

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Sound on youtube or anything !!!

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