Can I just add the other side of the argument?? 19 is very very young to have a baby. When I was 19 and at university, I went through a spell of wanting to have a child, desperately. I even worked out how I was going to afford it, as, like the previous people who answered, I know that financial stability is one of the most important factors. 3 months later the longing had gone and now, 10 years later, I'm so pleased I didn't. This is going to sound patronising, and I don't mean it to but you are going to grow up and change a lot over the next few years (so are the posters below who got engaged/had kids years ago and are 'still' happy - but they're only 25 odd). I am not saying that everyone who has children at your age is a bad parent - far from it. But THINK carefully. You say you have no interest in a career - that may change. I was with a guy for 5 years when I was your age but didn't marry him - thankfully. You have so much life to lead and if you have kids in another 10 years you'll still be young. Be selfish for a few years - and don't make the mistake of having kids because your partner is away all the time and you think that kids would fill a void.
If you do decide to go ahead, yes, people will talk. People will judge. But (and I really don't mean this nastily) that will be the least of your problems.
Lots of luck whatever you decide.