The rented property we have moved in to has a brick built garden shed,with an asbestos roof.
Is this a danger and should we ask our landlord to have the roof taken down?.
Our Son in Law said it is reasonable safe as long as it is not disturbed, but then i may be doing work on the bench. hammering or drilling and this could cause some vibration. This may cause some asbestos dust to come down.
1) with an asbestos-cement roof, the asbestos particles are bonded to the cement and are therefore too big to inhale. This is very low risk
2) the best thing you could do if you are worried about vibration is to paint the inside of the roof with gloss paint to seal it in
Also, removing and disposing of the asbestos will be very expensive. Your landlord could argue that if the roof is not in a state of disrepair, and therefore not hazzardous to health he has no obligation to do anything. In fact, he could ask you NOT to hammer in the shed i guess
Alternatively he may be amenable, you could try asking rather than insisting
theres is huge amounts of bonded asbestos/cement materials still in use today, including roofing sheets and flues.
this material is only really hazardous if you try to saw it up when disposing of it, then you have to damp it down with water and use suitable overalls, gloves and respirator.