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bobtheturkey | 16:44 Fri 06th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
my tea is ready by time i get home


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You�d better phone your mum to make sure
can't you do it yoiurself, ?
Bet the maid is sunbathing in the garden bob :)
i've got to cook mine yet
If not, get a subway :)
Me too, bobtheturkey.

(walks from home office through into kitchen to see if J has cooked herself anything for tea ... which she hasn't)

Oh well, I'll just have to eat out.

(contemplates another Friday night of cocktails and dodgy kebabs)
pic of bob after eating his din dins. :-)
its friday night, go out for a meal somewhere nice with plenty of alcohol. thats what i'm doing.
hi bob,
the stegess is a way on holiday the noo, so thats a week and a half so far ive had to do my own cookin, cant wate till monday, when she comes back lol
The Fast Food Song
have you phoned your mum yet bob? 071121_turkey.jpg

she wants to know if you are coming stright home or going out with your bird glitter.jpg

if so, she'll wait up for you, but don't be too late s/2007/11/turkey.jpg

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