In soaps, particularly Corrie and Eastenders, whenever someone orders a pint they never specify what of! I understand that on channels such as ITV they cannot advertise but BBC is allowed to mention product names isnt it? So why do they continue to be so vague about what their characters are drinking?! Sorry, been plaguing me for too long!
My local pub knows what I drink. In fact, I don't even have to ask for anything. I assume that's the theory behind it. The 'local close knit community' thing. A good landlord/landlady/barperson will know his or her punters favourite tipple. Unless you go to one of these new places with no character where punters are herded in like sheep.
product placement isnt really allowed on bbc either and besides which the government is clamping down on shows etc promoting alcohol and tobacco, think they gloss over what it might be they are drinking to avoid promoting drinking but managing to maintain a sense of realism about the show too