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washing machine

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bobtheturkey | 21:52 Tue 10th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
keeps starting then stopping is this normal? im not really an expert on this piece of equipment as i dont believe i have even touched one


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Just leave well alone pickle, it's not for your delicate disposition!
Question Author
is it meant to do that though bobs is it going to explode?
It's meant to do that pet, don't be worrying about it :)
a cup of tea and a custard cream will help you forget
Question Author
hmm bit disconcerting all the same
You dont have to worry til it starts smoking :)
Bob, does it *do the job* in the end ? ie give you a load of washed clothes that you simply have to transfer to the line or the drier ? If so, stop worrying man, it is simply working out the timings between moving left and moving right...
Just dont let a ladyfriend sit on top of it as it hits final spin.

You may become surplus to requirements.

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the clothes do appear jugg i think they are squeezed out of something called an "iron"? must be like a factory production line system i reckon
omg... bob... you have actually found an *iron* ????

J runs a mile, shrieking loudly.....

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nasty sounding thing it hisses, im glad i keep my distance
Hiss back at it, I do!
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what is yours like psychick
My hiss? Its scarey!
Question Author
what about your iron
Its an Hinari easyglide. Thought the easyglide bit would mean the ironing is easier. How wrong was I :(
I've got one with a non stick ceramic plate, very good it is.

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washing machine

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