keeping chickens in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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keeping chickens

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madboutcats | 09:34 Sat 07th Jun 2008 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
a work colleage of my partners has just got himself a pet chicken and my partner thought there might be health reasons on how close you can/nt keep chicks to the house, so i thought id ask on here on his behalf if there is any rules and regulations on keeping chickens. thanks.
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I keep chickens and as far as I know, there are no regulations about distance from your house. If you get a cockerel, though, you'll want to keep it as far away as possible - mine start crowing at 4a.m.!!!
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thanks kleiber, i'll pass that on, didnt think there was any regulations myself but thought id ask just to make sure.
There are no regulations unless you have 50 or more chooks, then you would need to register with DEFRA.
It would be kinder to your friend's hen to get it a companion, preferably another girl, as they are flock birds & could well go into a decline without a feathered friend.
Good luck, A.
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thank you tinpotLizzie will pass that message on as i do believe its a solitary chick at the moment. thanks for all help,might have to point chicken owner clive in the direction of answer bank for any other help he might need.
While I don't think there are special regulations until you get to DEFRA proportions, I think it might be wise to point out the usual animal hygiene rules, bearing in mind that birds can be the carriers of several diseases that can be passed on to us i.e. salmonella. & they are quite fond of scratching around in dirt & not to particular about treading in their own droppings! lol.
As long as he realises that the chicken needs companionship of her own kind, his neighbours may not welcome the addition of a cockerel & his pets may be vulnerable to (urban?) foxes so will need appropriate housing....Happt days!
Oh, just remembered, he may need to check the local council bye laws on what animals can be kept in a domestic garden because I think there are restrictions on numbers & types of animals that would be considered 'farm' varieties.
If he rents privately, council or housing association there may be something in the tenancy agreement.
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thanks for that showcatbenga, will pass that info on.
Hi madaboutcats.
Just one thought, I would advise that you keep the chickens as far away from the house as possible. Chickens are notorious for attracting rats.

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