Hello, I am in Addis now, I came back here by UN flight on friday.
I am really really tired, and have diarrhea and vomiting, I need a rest.
Kebri Dehar which is our field is amazing place!
They don't have enough water and food.
Now it is the end of dry season, they have a serious water problem.
What I feel durig 2 weeks is that they need food and water than medication.
I gave they medicine but there is no water to take medicine!
We drive a car to get to health post for about 2 hours, I saw a lot of animalsl camel, cow, goutsare ding because of lack of water and food!
You can imagine that many people died from starving, but they never go to health post, so we don't know..
Although There are a lot of things that we can do for them, we have to stop our mission for a while.
That is an email I received from a friend yesterday. The area is land disputed between Somalia and Ethiopia, Ethiopia are back by the United States of America. The Ethiopians have just pulled out the last doctor and the only witnesses. Our governments know about this. The is no water, no food, NONE and now no witnesses.
http://africa.reuters.com/top/news/usnBAN55130 8.html