update - homeless lad
just thought Id post a quick update.
As i said before, thursday night Mr CRX warned the lad that the council would be clearing the garden and that he might want to make sure he didnt leave his things there by day. Anyway Friday it looked as if someone had trashed his 'bed' and we didnt see him that night ether. We assumed that he had moved on somewhere else.
Saturday came and we did the usual trip into town to do the shopping. I left mr CRX outside a shop and took little CRX with me, when i came out he was talking to a lad and its was obvious that it was "james", skinny, filthy,smelly lad. Id not seen him before, just heard him.
Anyway he didnt hang around as he said he didnt want to be near the babies. He wished us all the best and thanked us for our help (we hadnt really done anything).
Turned out he had spoken to a local church who may be able to help him with emergency accomodation and was looking forward to an appointment with them this week. he also said he had found somewhere else to bed down.
Turns out his new 'abode' is at the back of the field behind our house so he hasnt gone far.
He scared the cr@p out of me saturday at almost midnight when he tapped on our lounge window! I didnt know who it was so called Mr CRX to check. "James" asked if he could possibly have some water, he hadnt wanted to wake the babies so he'd just tapped. He didnt ask for anything else at all and again thanked us for our help.
We have still to get together some clothes and sleeping bag for him as we thought he'd moved on, but are hoping we can get them out for him today.