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Can you Imagine

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jonnoman | 11:33 Fri 27th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
If AB editor DELETED ChatterBank?



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well it hasn't been here for too long, bet ppl will go back to B&S
there would be no where for the idiots like greyark to go and abuse people.
I dont have to imagine it jonno, its happened before.

folks posted in suggestions for a while then drifted off here there and everywhere including the rest of ab
Well the way things are going, I really would not be surprised!
CB was introduced about ummm 2 years ago? It lasted about 6 months before it was removed.

This version is CB Mark2....whether it stays longer is anyones guess.
It wont go.Not for a while anyway
everyone would go to body and soul like before
Yep thats a given.

Or facebook :-)

" I know im bad, but its the voices in my head telling me to be bad "
I joined in May 2005 and CB was alive and running then.
No it wasn't Booldawg- lol.

I joined in June 2005, and im almost postive CB was introduced soon after that.
I joined in June 2005 and CB was there
some would have no social life if CB cease to exist. can you imagine how demented and delirious they will become?
I tell a lie, it was Jun '06 I joined! Sorry LOL
haha sorry Boo; I stand corrected. You are more confident in when it was about than me. I mustve joined and not really posted a great deal and when I finally got round to using the site CB was up and running.
Well is was deffo around in August 05 as this thread proves (yep its a quiet enough Friday afternoon at work to do this sort of stuff) n131892.html

well then that would make it the "soon after" that i mentioned Boodawg ;-)

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