My daughter has ADD (now 17 yrs old) and hasn't got all those symptoms,probably because she is the inattentive type rather than hyper,and she was always well-behaved. She wasn't diagnosed until 14 because the symptoms of poor concentration and organisation often don't show until the demands of secondary education come up, though looking back now we maybe should have spotted it. She was a daydreamer although extremely intelligent.
I must admit it sounds like your daughter has it,but a lot of 5 year olds are also like that.
It's important to remember that nothing you have done has caused it if she has it,and that it is more of a physical, genetic brain condition rather than a behavioral thing, so don't blame it on bad parenting.
In my experience.GPs are useless, and I am still trying to ger medication for my daughter after 4 years,whereas in America she would have had something straight away.
Although bright, she has had many difficulties with life including as you say self-esteem and relationship problems.
If your daughter has adHd ,rather than ADD it might actually be easier to help. Your teachers will soon tell you if she needs an assesment.