After my divorce & once I had signed all my equity to my x-wife, we had a Verbal Agreement that when my 2 daughters had grown up & she sold the marrital home & started a new life with another man that I would recieve a portion of the proceeds. This time came about a few years ago now & when this was mentioned...she denied all knowledge of it & we have not spoken for the past 3 years due to this fact.
I worked very hard providing 14 years we were married & even after the divorce I put money into the house...I deserve at least a little something to show for it. She has prifited a lot from my kindness over the past years & now all I want is to be able to start a life for myself. Now she is thinking of going to Spain, can I sue her for breech of verbal contract?
no. he said - she said... essentially you have to prove it and you are incredibly naive to expect another human being (particularly one you have divorced) to keep their word. if you pursue the claim, you could stand to lose even more! chalk this down to experience and learn from it - never ever get taken for a ride again
yes I think I was really naive...I'm older & wiser now, but hey it's only money at the end of the day & I firmly believe that what goes around comes around.