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Baby time...

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Josh111 | 05:46 Tue 01st Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I'm not sure this is the right section but I thought I'd get some good suggestions here... Well, in a couple of hours, I'll be an uncle! I'm so excited! I've decided on a gift. I'm going to give my new niece or nephew a box filled with things from the day of the birth. e.g. a newspaper headline, a horoscope, the number one song of the moment. But, apart from this, my brain has failed me and I have run out of ideas! Can anyone give any suggestions about what else I should include in this time capsule?

Thank you!! =)


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That's so exciting Josh ! Are you including an actual newspaper? We collected newspapers for the day our sons were born and then on each of their birthdays up to the age of 5 and it's really amusing to read back on them now. Photographs are nice too - especially old family ones, family tree so far. I would say a popular film of the day but that's assuming he/she will have the right technology to play it! Fashion magazines showing what people are wearing are also amusing to look at several years later.
we did something similar but we also added a photo of the day the babies mommy and daddy was born too. it was amazing how alike they look.
How about a babybook where everything about them is written in it, ie, weight, colour of hair, gifts they have received, 1st words, smiles etc...lovely to look back on! Can get them from mothercare world and places like that
oh just remembered you can get them from places like clinton cards as well!

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