Any organisation that deals with vulnerable adults and children are required by law, to carryout an enhanced disclosure on any person coming into contact with the children/adult.
If the nursery wants to have you as a volunteer they can do this, and should carry out the enhanced CRB check - this is an expensive process and private nurseries may not want to do i for a volunteer. Why not look for council-run nurseries and summer playschemes where temprary workers are needed and the CRB check comes as standard?
You don't always need a CRB check for helping in a nursery. Only if you will be left alone with children or taking them to the loo. Parents often help out at playgroups on a rota basis and aren't CRB checked. Try looking on to see if there are any suitable volunteer places near you or else contact your local volunteer centre who wil be able to offer you more advice & guidance.
Actually thinking about it you would need a CRB check as you would be having regular contact with the children, rather than a helping out parent which would be a one-off. sorry for the confusion - it's too late at night for me!