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888sally888 | 07:49 Mon 07th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
their stars for today - just tell me your sign!!


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how did you find out about my murky past :-)
Ahem.....cough......I'm a crab logic
Question Author
easy - I am mystic sal!!

And i never thought you would be a crab - your too amusing!
how did the barby go funny B T W thank's for the invite.
ERR need a scratch, bigmamma ?
Bbq went very well!!!

Plenty of food, the only reason why I went!!

Mr Funny was appalled at how much how ate to say the least!!!

No logic but I can give you a nip with my sharp pincers if you like .
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bigmamma - yours sound very interesting!!

You're starting to rethink some harsh opinions you used to have about someone; they don't seem justified now. Maybe you've had more chance to get to know them. If you've recently found it in your heart to help to a rival, their gratitude could win you over to their side! You will be glad you offered them an olive branch. A welcome, but very unexpected visitor could turn up on your doorstep tonight.
Woo hoo Mamma, better get prepared for tonight!!!!!

Unless you know Logic and are an old school friend!! Lol.
Oh not ....not the bayliffs !
isn't anybody a Capricorn?
Question Author
bigmamma - dont panic it said welcome visitor!!

I am thinking tall, dark, handsome!!
What about a virgo read pleasex
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I think I want to be virgo now - sounds good!!

Decisive, dynamic and determined action will show people you mean to succeed no matter what the odds. It's particularly important to put your innate skills and abilities to work if you are to prove how talented and sophisticated you are! There may be a chance to join a scheme designed to improve the living or recreational conditions in your locality. Discovering you have a new admirer is a strong possibility if you're single.
Sally i am single oooooooooooooohh!!!,going shopping later will be on the look out for romance lol!!!maybe will meet in the baked beans aisle!!!
could i have Capricorn please.
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good luck puddicat - i want to know what happens!!

OK codger heres capricorn......

Joining a group or society is a good way to fight feelings of aloneness or alienation. If you're new to an area, don't hide yourself behind closed doors; get out into the community around you. The longer you keep to yourself and play the recluse, the more difficult it will be to break free. You might misjudge people because you don't see them as they truly are, just as people will mistake your shyness for aloofness.
capricorn no bad news enough allready lol
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