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Adenoids in adults.

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Slooow_Jo | 00:34 Wed 09th Jul 2008 | Health & Fitness
2 Answers
I had to see an ear, nose & throat specialist last week after a recent MRI scan showed that I still have adenoids, according to the doctor it was just a freak thing that I had them still as they usually shrink at a young age, usually pre-school. I'm now waiting for an appointment to have a biopsy done but I've looked on the internet & found info about enlarged adenoids in adults, so I'm confused now as anything I've read hasn't mentioned it being as rare as the doctor has lead me to believe. Can anyone shed any light on this for me?


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Adenoids are just a wad of lymphatic tissue at the back of the nose and form part of a lymphatic defence against infection. The back of the nose is small in a child, and hence the adenoids can cause blockage and subsequent problems. As one grows older, the adenoids remain the same size but the space at the back of the nose gets larger allowing more space for the adenoids which subsequently become less troublesome. So it is not so much that the adenoids shrink, but that the space(naso pharynx) gets larger. Biopsy is precautionary and perfectly routine treatment.
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Thanks for the answer sqad I'm still baffled as to why the doctor lead me to believe it was rare to still have them! But I'm glad to hear someone else say that the biospy is just precautionary that word had just filled me with dread! Now I can just fret about the fact I'm also getting my uvula removed lol

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